Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure

Sally Hansen has another new nail polish for us to try. Their Complete Salon Manicure. In one bottle you get base coat, strengthener,growth treatment, top coat and oh yes , color .

I love the idea that I can have one bottle and get it done. Who wouldn't?

I tried the shade Purple Pulse , which is a hot , bright purple that has a bit of blue in it. I needed 2 coats to get full color. The first went on sheer , the second became the bottle shade. It's shiny( although I could have it shinier. I can not have enough shine on my nails) and looks great.

It dried fast, and nails looked smooth. The brush is the same as the Insta Dri one. Wider than normal and not a favorite of everyone. It works fine for me. I did get tip wear fast. which isn't unusual for me as I am hard on my nails, but I would have liked it to go a little longer than that. I think ultimately that I will still add an additonal top coat over it. With that , it will be great.

The Complete Manicure line is 52 shades, so there is something for everyone. From pale pink to green. with the shade Commander in Chic, a khaki-greige , getting a lot of notice. Other shade shown here: Raisin the Bar.

Retail is $ 7.00 but sales and discounts are prevalent.


Unknown said...

Raisin the Bar that shimmery pink is beautiful

Unknown said...

hey...!! what a beautifull....!!!
very nice to see that...
i think it's also good for nail...
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