
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Aveeno Natural Protection Lotion SPF / Natural Protection Baby & Positively Radiant Face Wipes

There are two more high SPF physical sunscreen blockers on the shelves  ,   new Natural Protection from Aveeno. These are lotion formulas, one for baby.

As I've mentioned  in previous posts I try to use mineral/physical SPF when I can. I use chemical as well , but the former is my preference.

These two new ones from Aveeno ( and don't let the baby part turn you away, it works for all of us) have Aveeno's oat formula for soothing skin , including sensitive,  along with high broad spectrum SPF of 50 .

The Natural Protection ( non baby) is  also pretty moisturizing  and could probably double as body lotion during the day .   Baby Natural Protection  dries fast and feels barely there on .

Also new, when it's time to take off all that SPF including on your face, are Positively Radiant Makeup Removing Face Wipes. Infused with soy extract for brightening , these get all the grime off with an added touch of moisture.  Skin is left clean but feeling lightly hydrated. Yes, the brightening ingredients can only do so much when used in a wipe/cleanser but after a day in the sun a little extra help doesn't hurt.

Aveeno Natural Protection Lotion Sunscreens and Positively Radiant Face Wipes are available now.  Prices vary but the SPF are approx. $10 and Wipes $ 6.49.

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