Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Patyka Intensive Moisturizing Mask

With the winter wind and cold still going strong, it's a 20 degree wind chill here right now, hydration is key. Face and body.

If you have  dry skin and need a moisture boost, Patkya has a new mask out , Intensive Hydration.  The text on the box calls it " Thirst Quenching Care " .

Patyka is Parisian brand that is Eco Cert certified organic as well as One Voice (France) for using  no  animal testing on products or ingredients .

Intensive Moisture Mask has rose flower water, shea butter, glycerin, jojoba seed oil and avocado seed oil for hydration, and hexapeptides for  anti-aging.

One unique feature is the product dispenser. There is a small concave hole in the top that you push down on  . This keeps the  mask free from contaminants. 

I've long been a fan of this brand dating back more than 5 years ago when I first smelled their , now discontinued, fragrances.  While I don't need this much moisture for my skin, I have no doubt this would be wonderful on drier skins. I tested it on one hand and it was  softer.  You leave the mask on for 10 minutes , tissue off, and follow with toner.

Patyka is not the easiest brand to find in the US but it is available at for $ 95.


I love facial masks said...

Great review. I am a huge face of using the best facial masks, and that product sounds perfect. I get really dry skin in the winter time, and hydration is an absolute must. Thanks for the post, I can't wait to get a sample and try out this mask.

Anonymous said...

There is alcohol in this product, so it's not good for your skin!