Friday, March 1, 2013

Secret Clinical Strength Stress Response

Stress, you don't have  stress , right ? No not us. Never stress. Right. We all know better, we stress and a lot.  Sometimes it seems a constant state.

Who knew you needed  a deodorant for it ?  But stress makes us sweat at least some of the time. According to Secret 70 % of women related that running late was their most  work related stressful scenario . Family matters was 55 %.

No matter what your stress(es) are , new Secret Clinical Strength is here to help, with the sweat . The rest you're  on your own. I can recommend chocolate and hugging your dog though.

This new Secret says it has proprietary technology to that fights all 3  causes of sweat- physical, heat and stress and is 4X more effective  at protecting againt stress induced sweat.

My  favorite part- the scent. It's all citrus and you know I love citrus. Serene Citrus Scent is the name and it smells really good. Lemony. I cannot stand powdery deo scents. Not  big on florals either.

You can find Clincal Strenght Stress Response in stores now and Secret has alos teamed with Oprah's LifeClass to offer stress management tips. Interested? hit up

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