Great Brit brand Eve Lom has landed on our shores . Now carried at Beauty.com as well as SpaceNK.
I've read many great things about this line . Among others- Vogue mag called the cleanser the best ever.
I've been using the Cuticle Cream lately. Winter always bring a big need for hand creams, nails creams etc. The best I used was a Swiss brand that I haven't found in years. I'm glad to have a new one on, well, hand.
The Eve Lom version is a tiny pot, but that pot holds a lot and a little goes a very long way. You really need just a dab . It imparts a high shine to the nail bed as well as tons of moisture. All that oil doesn't make it greasy though. It dries quite fast and sinks in. It also seems to last through at least one hand washing. My nails are looking much shinier all the time now since using this and I haven't even used it every day.
There are loads of oils in this to help nails- Sweet Almond, Eucalyptus, Clove, Camomile, Soybean, Hops and a few more.
Eve Lom Cuticle Cream is described as having "protective waxes, anti-oxidant vitamins A and E, and anti-microbial copper combined in one little pot to help to promote healthy nail growth and perfectly conditioned cuticles."
7ml $28.00

I am also using the DynaSpot Acne treatment. Great for adult acne, as it's gentle with healing oils, but works well.
http://www.evelom.com/ ( UK site, but great for info )
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yes, pooldogusa@netscape.net will reach me. it's one of my emails.
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