Thursday, April 29, 2010

CVS Essence of Beauty- Juniper and Citrus

At September 2009's fashion week many of us editors were asked to test and vote on several new scent choices for a new Essence of Beauty fragrance addition. Now in April 2010 we get to hear what got the most votes and see it released at the end of the month.

At the time the winning scent was called Lemon Tea and what was I picked. Now it's Juniper and Citrus. It's quite refeshing and pretty no matter the name, but I think Lemon Tea is more apt.

The fragrance is one of fresh iced tea, brewed not too strong with a good dose of lemon. It doesn't quite smell like black tea, but isn't green tea either. Closer to green though. The juniper is minimal, just enough to give the citrus a base.

I have to say again how impressed I am with Essence of Beauty's line. Before that fashion week, I hadn't tried it at all and it's been a nice surprise. Juniper and Citrus is one that will go into the large summer citrus fragrance rotation.

The full line is in CVS stores now including body lotion, hand soap, EDT and more.

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