Thursday, October 9, 2014

Kushyfoot Fleece Legwear - Fall 2014

Fleece footwear is about as comfy as it sounds. This is not the first time I've extolled the virtues of Kushyfoot's fleece legwear . With  the Fall chill here  and their new packaging look, it's time for another look.

Last Winter I wore the fleece trouser socks almost every day .  They are super soft , and  come almost to the knee . Perfect for under any pants for a truly warm extra layer.   I am all for stockpiling some more pairs for this year.

You can also find the same fleece in tights. So if you  are doing dresses and skirts,  you can get that same warm layer.

Both tights and socks are totally opaque and not thick . They are heavier than a stocking but not much more so than a tight so there isn't a lot of bulk.

Kushyfoot Fleece Trouser Socks are $ 5.99 and Fleece Tights are & 8.99.

Look for BOGOS with various retailers like Duane Reade,  Walgreens and Rite Aid . Or you can buy at in bulk packages.

If you're looking for regular tights, Kushyfoot also makes these with their feel good wavy massaging foot bottom .

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