There are several shampoos and conditioner and then the star product- the catalyst. This catalyst is said to be a heat activated product that will work with your cut.
I'm using using the Shag catalyst , normal to oily shampoo and light conditioner. With something like Hercut you can't help but wonder whats the deal? Will it work?
I've seen a noticeable difference is how my hair looks and styles after using this. My haircut hasn't been growing in as well I'd like and I'd been complaining of my hair just not falling right lately. Hercut changed all that. I've got more lift, more movement and layers that are more defined. It worked and worked well.
I also noticed that the catalyst is conditioning enough on it's own almost. To truly test this I skipped my normal Phyto 7 leave in . My hair is still soft and conditioned. It's just a slight bit drier on the ends than with the leave in.

I also skipped all my normal styling aids. No gel, which I usually use and yet my style came out even better with plenty of hold.
HerCut is a thumbs up for me. I'm really interested to hear from any of you who may have tried it and what your thoughts are.
The line is exclusive to Sephora and Sephora.com
*press sample
wow this sounds really nice, i hate it when my hair reaches the "growing-out" stage and i have to keep it in place all the time.
Bea,if you try it, please check back in with your thoughts.
So glad you reviewed this... I am always best with layers and I did see at Sephora and have read about it. I may just wait till my stockpile dwindles a bit before trying it...of course that could be a year or more!
i tried it and i won't be trying it again. and divadebbi i think you can go more than a year without trying this. it's a gimmick if anything. i too saw it at sephora and wondered what it was all about. i like to think i'm pretty hip to new products so i bought some. mistake. i mean, it wasn't terrible, but they make it sound like it's this amazingly miraculous new product that will transform your hair and it's not true. i can get the same results with my other products which i unfortunately did not let the supply dwindle on before i bought this!
and honestly ladies... do you REALLY believe that a PRODUCT is going to help you grow out your hair? Let's get real.
Wow Anon, sorry you had such a bad experience. I truly have seen and continue to see a huge diff. in my hair with this. When I don't use it, I can tell and I have a lot of top shelf products at hand. Sebastian, Bumble. They all work very well, but this was even better.
Although, my exp. is with the Shag version. Maybe you used a different one ? I can't say what they are like.
Also, I am not trying to grow my hair out . I haven't used it for that although another commenter thinks it might help, and who knows? Growing out is hard and if something helps hair to lay better, than that would help. I didn't recommend it for that, however.
When I first heard about I figured gimmick as well, it's hard not to. But for me, it worked.
using the product for long, loose curls and it is terrific. was using fekkai luscious curls and/or no frizz. this is SO much better. have shoulder length, dry, frizzy & wavy hair. curls are defined, curlier and last longer. i can mist my hair after a couple of nites of sleeping on the curls and the product reactivates them. this is the best stuff i have found for my hair so far!
Amyss- thanks for commenting.
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