Yes, Karl now has a bear lookalike. Renowned company Steiff is releasing a teddy bear made up to resemble Lagerfeld, down to the fingerless black leather gloves. Now Steiff bears are amazing and collectible, but a Karl bear? Only for the biggest fashion victim, or perhaps the hottest new baby gift for those kids that all Hollywood seems to be sprouting these days. You know new Zuma Nesta Rock Rossdale will need one.
The bears will be exclusive to Neiman Marcus ( acc. to a Brit mag. but they say Neimans in NY and there isn't one, so I'm thinking Bergdorfs)and sell for the dollar eqv. of 750 Euros( in other words, a whole lot). Oh and there will only be 2500 of them , so shop fast. I think I may have to stop in during Fashion Week and see this in person just for fun.
Hey, Karl will be in town too, for the US premiere of The Duchess, at the Plaza hotel, no less, which happens to be next door to Bergdorfs.
all info/pic: hellomag
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